Gradient Image Processing

Gradient Image Processing (GIP) is a web-based software solution, distributed to its customers in the form of source code, developed by the Gradient Team. GIP is designed to be a dedicated, yet adaptable and extendable solution for processing images.


Install Dependencies

Before you start the service in your local environment, you must install the necessary dependencies. The first one is Node.js. It is used for running the backend side of Gradient Image Processing.

Instructions for installing Node.js:

After installing node.js, the next one is npm. It's a node package manager. To install it check

Once you have npm installed you can run the following instruction, both to install and upgrade Yarn:

$ npm install --global yarn 

To install all necessary dependencies needed for the Gradient Image Processing project, you need to identify the directory "image-processing-service-backend" and execute the next command in that directory:

$ yarn install

Configure Database Connection

We continue setting up our local environment by creating the empty ".env" file (or copying .env.template content) at the root of the project. We use the .env file to store environment-specific configurations or settings for a project. In this section, it is explained how to set variables with values needed for database connection.

For this example, "PostgresSQL" database is used. Inside the ".env" file, you should have content like in the example below:

      TYPEORM_CONNECTION = "postgres"
      TYPEORM_HOST = "localhost"
      TYPEORM_USERNAME = "test"
      TYPEORM_PASSWORD = "test"
      TYPEORM_DATABASE = "test"
      TYPEORM_PORT = 5432
      TYPEORM_LOGGING = true
      TYPEORM_ENTITIES = "entity/*.js"
      TYPEORM_MIGRATIONS = "migration/*.js"

For instructions on how to fill the .env file for the different databases, please check

To bring the initially empty database (without any tables structure) to the state required by the Gradient Image Processing service, you need to run the command:

$ yarn run migration

Start Server

The last step required to start the server is to run the command:

$ yarn start:dev


# all tests
$ yarn test

# e2e tests
$ yarn test e2e

# test coverage
$ yarn test:cov


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    No results matching ""